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        Kotra research group is interested in understanding drug targets, three-dimensional structures of enzymes and receptors, designing molecular intervention strategies, synthetic medicinal chemistry, and development/ implementation of biochemical and cellular assays, animal disease models and clinical studies. Our group collaborates with teams in Toronto and around the world to engage in translational research, from bench to bedside. Please see Publications section for latest publications from our group.


       Kotra Research Group has a long tradition of discoveries and accomplishments!  Starting from the isolation and characterization of alpha-fluoroglycine en route to our designer fluoropetidomimetics, then the first covalent inhibitor of ODCase - 6-iodo-UMP as a novel suicide inhibitor to the famous enzyme orotidine monophosphare decarboxylase (OMPDcase or ODCase), then a novel biochemistry established through 6-cyano-UMP for this enzyme, then the development of 6-iodouridine (Kopakamal) as a novel antimalarial agent, our research group established the record of academic research and its translation into clinical research. 

       Our discoveries in the area of diabetic neuropathy are being actively developed now as spin-off ventures (WinSanTor Inc.) for potential therapeutic applications. 

       Following the tradition and passion, we developed novel disease-modifying agent KP-302 for the prevention and reversal of demyelination in multiple sclerosis. This compound, now called Lucid-21-302 or Lucid-MS, is a first-in-class small molecule developed as a non-immunomodulatory treatment targeting disease progression in multiple sclerosis. This technology was licensed to Lucid Psycheceuticals in 2020 and now by FSD Pharma, a Toronto-based biopharmaceutical company. 

       Using our medicinal chemistry and pharmacy knowledge, we love taking on challenges to create therapeutic solutions. Due to the strategic location of the laboratory in the Toronto Discovery District around world-class hospitals and University of Toronto, we are privileged to engage in several collaborative research projects expanding the depth and breadth of our research projects focusing in medicinal chemistry.

        Our goal is to make a long lasting impact on translational research and medicine, and transform the lives of patients through better pharmaceutical care.

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